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“Aliquam quis risus viverra, ornare ipsum vitae, congue tellus. Vestibulum nunc lorem, scelerisque a tristique non, accumsan ornare eros. Nullam sapien metus, volutpat dictum. Praesent tellus felis, aliquet id augue at, tincidunt vestibulum leo. Praesent tellus felis, aliquet id augue at, tincidunt vestibulum leo.
Ut bibendum neque et condimentum fermentum. Praesent ornare dapibus ipsum. Integer id tristique metus, nec vestibulum lacus. Donec purus massa, faucibus eget suscipit a, aliquam eu felis. Nullam ut tincidunt sapien. Integer suscipit nulla gravida velit sollicitudin, eu elementum neque pretium.”
Boutique One first opened its doors in 2017 in Lahore, Pakistan offering customers kurtas and loose fabric made from hand-woven fabric. Dr. Kaiser Rafiq , the chairman and founder. Boutique One, which has stayed true to its name and continues to produce a fusion of styles to complement both the east and west, while still using best fabrics on select products.